


祝贺你被博彩平台推荐录取! 研究生招生团队, 还有整个亚洲体育博彩平台社区, 在你完成注册的过程中,这里会为你提供支持吗.以下是我们的录取学生清单, 哪些将指导您完成注册过程的下一步.

对于国际录取学生, 请务必查看下面信息中的其他步骤.

请不要犹豫,联系研究生招生 gradadmissions@shorterm.net 如果您有任何问题或疑虑.


你可以在你的 应用门户.

All accepted students are required to pay a nonrefundable enrollment deposit in order to confirm their enrollment. 押金会记入你第一学期的学费账单. 你可以用信用卡或借记卡在你的 应用门户. If you need to pay your deposit via wire transfer, please contact our office for further assistance.

在支付注册保证金后的3个工作日内, instructions on how to activate your Clark username and password will be posted on your 应用门户. 一旦你的亚洲体育博彩平台邮箱被激活, 您将开始收到来自Clark社区的重要更新.

Please be sure to regularly check both your personal email and your Clark email for communications from 博彩平台推荐.


Within 5 business days of activating your Clark email address, the 国际学生 & 学者办公室 (ISSO) will send a message to your Clark email (NOT your personal email) inviting you access the ISSO portal.

You will be asked to submit the following documents in order to request your I-20:

    • 您最近的护照复印件
    • 银行对账单(不超过6个月)
    • If the bank statement is not in your name, you must also submit the 博彩平台推荐 支持宣誓书

接下来,ISSO将要求您完成“资金证明”流程. They will send you an estimated cost of attendance for your first academic year. 所有所需文件提交后, ISSO将在5个工作日内处理并签发您的I-20.

开始申请签证 作为国际学生

一旦你从ISSO收到I-20,你将需要支付 SEVIS费用 在最近的地方安排你的签证预约 美国大使馆/领事馆.

  • 更多的问如有任何问题,请直接向国际学生咨询 & 学生事务处) ISSO@shorterm.net


博彩平台推荐的研究生可以选择住在其中的任何一个 大学提供住房 or 校外住房 在伍斯特地区.

麻萨诸塞州 law requires that all college students within the state show a complete record of immunity against communicable disease. 确保你和所有亚洲体育博彩平台学生的身体健康, 您需要让您的医疗保健提供者完成所需的工作 毕业生免疫接种表格. Once you have the complete forms, upload them to your Clark student portal as immunization forms.

Per 麻萨诸塞州 state law, full-time international students must be enrolled in Clark’s student 健康保险计划 健康保险将包括在你第一学期的账单中.

所有学生必须提交他们的官方, 第一天上课前最后的学士学位成绩单. 此成绩单必须确认已获得学位, 反映你的最终成绩, 直接从你的机构来.


    • 电子提交: Your university can send your transcript via secure electronic delivery service to gradadmissions@shorterm.net
    • 现场提交: 你可以把成绩单带到学校来. 成绩单必须密封在由你的大学盖章的信封里. 上课前一周, 研究生招生团队将会处理你的文件.
    • 邮件提交: Your university can mail hard copies of your transcript to the following address. 我们建议您使用可以跟踪递送情况的邮件服务:


提交 Y我们的官方 英语 作为国际录取学生的分数

Please reach out to your test center to have your official test scores sent electronically to gradadmissions@shorterm.net This process may be delayed if you used different emails for your 英语 test and for your application.


Your Clark OneCard will act as your student ID card and access card to multiple resources on campus. 你可以找到提交OneCard大头照的说明 在这里.
有问题请直接问 helpdesk@shorterm.net


You can connect with your academic department to ensure that you understand your degree requirements and take the correct classes during your first semester.

您可以访问 课程注册页面. This page will include your course offerings for your first semester and the course registration schedule.

  • Questions regarding course registration should be directed to your academic department. 如果你不知道你所在部门的联系方式, 请与研究生招生处联系 gradadmissions@shorterm.net

学生 admitted to School of Management programs may need to complete prerequisite 课程 before the first day of classes. 如果你有的话 杰出的先决条件,你会收到 邮件通知 还有如何完成你的 先决条件. 你也可以检查你的 应用状态门户 “updates”部分,查看您是否具备先决条件.

Your first semester bill will be calculated after registering for your 课程. 当您的账单可用时,您将收到一封电子邮件, 通常在开课前6周左右.

您将有大约4周的时间来支付余额. You will not receive a bill if you do not register for classes- review student billing information 在这里.



去伍斯特比以前更容易了, 我们将帮助您顺利愉快地抵达. 欢迎国际学生前一天, the International Center offers free transportation from Boston Logan International Airport to Clark’s campus in 伍斯特 MA.

如果你在其他日期旅行,还有很多其他的 交通方式 包括 波士顿机场的公共交通、出租车和拼车服务. 伍斯特郡地区 如果你要飞往另一个主要的美国机场,机场也很近.S. 有直飞航班的城市 在伍斯特.

请注意, 博彩平台推荐 does not offer temporary housing for when you first arrive in the country. 你必须在到达之前找到住处.


International Student Welcome (ISW) is your chance to explore campus and 伍斯特 了解你未来的同学和老师, 领取亚洲体育博彩平台一卡通学生证, 了解学生服务. You’ll attend a variety of academic and student services focused sessions as well as social activities to get you settled into life at Clark.

更多信息可以在网站上找到 在这里.



This will be hosted by your academic department a few days before classes begin. 更多信息将发送到您的亚洲体育博彩平台学生邮箱.

  • 问题应直接向你的学术部门提出.

检查亚洲体育博彩平台的 校历 上课日期. Please refer to your course schedule on your Clark student portal to see w在这里 your classes are located. 你可以浏览 校园地图 找到你的班级位置.

  • 问题应直接向你的学术部门提出.


Whether you’re looking for help formatting your dissertation or want to learn more about renting a Zipcar on campus, our comprehensive list of resources has information on everything from academics to life at Clark.



新英格兰第二大城市, 伍斯特是生物技术中心, 高等教育, 卫生保健, 还有艺术. 发现是什么让我们的家成为一个生活、学习和玩耍的好地方.



亚洲体育博彩平台的学术项目, 研究中心和研究所, and emphasis on engaged 学者hip give our graduate students the ability to lead effectively, 负责任的管理, 并为他们的工作场所做出重要贡献, 社区, 这个世界.



Clark’s online 书店 makes it easy to shop for textbooks and other course materials. Log in with your 博彩平台推荐 account to view a personalized page of your 课程 and corresponding materials, 或者按课程搜索.



需要帮助连接WiFi? 对激活你的Clark账户有问题吗? ITS有各种各样的服务和资源来帮助你开始. 服务台的工作人员为您提供第一线的帮助.


国际学生 & 学者办公室

ISSO工作人员为国际学生提供建议, 教员, 学者, 和他们来自80多个国家的家属就移民问题进行协商, 以及美国的日常生活.



您的注册押金只有在拒签的情况下才会退还. If you choose to defer to a future term, you will not be able to request a refund of your deposit. 押金将作为第一学期学费的贷方.

如果您无法在您计划的入学期限内注册,请 联系我们. We will assist you with the process of deferring your enrollment to a future semester.

国际学生和学者办公室 我会尽快处理你的I-20表格吗. Please allow 5 business days from the date of your completed request for your I-20 to be generated.

你会收到一份I-20表格的电子版. 一旦你的I-20准备好了,你就会收到一封发给你的电子邮件.Edu邮箱地址.

The fall in 伍斯特 is often warm and mild, but the weather gets colder as the semester progresses. Winter in 伍斯特 has snowy and cold conditions that call for warm shoes and boots, 一件冬衣, 还有帽子和手套. These items can be purchased while you are 在这里 at the many shopping areas in and around the city.

If you plan to bring your vehicle to campus, t在这里 are a variety of options available to you. 参观校园 停车及许可证页 有关校园停车贴和规定的更多信息. The parking permit application for the upcoming academic year is available on Aug. 1.



  • 研究生招生

  • 办公时间只接受预约.
